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  • Writer's pictureShameena Domingo

The Truth Behind Expectations: How People Can Surprise or Disappoint You

We all have expectations. We expect our friends to be loyal, our family to love us, and our partners to be faithful. But what happens when these expectations aren't met?


When our expectations aren't met, we can feel disappointed. Disappointment is a normal emotion, and it's important to allow yourself to feel it. However, it's important not to dwell on disappointment. Instead, try to learn from the experience and move on.


Sometimes, people surprise us in positive ways. They may do something unexpected that makes us happy or proud. When this happens, it's important to express our appreciation. Let the person know how much their actions meant to you.

No One Is Ever Who You Think They Are

It's important to remember that no one is ever exactly who we think they are. Everyone has their own unique strengths and weaknesses. We should try to accept people for who they are, rather than who we expect them to be.

When a Person's True Colors Shine Through

Sometimes, people's true colors shine through when we least expect it. This can be either a heartwarming surprise or a disappointing letdown.

* If you encounter a heartwarming surprise: Remember that this can be a positive experience. It shows that you are capable of seeing the good in people, even when it's not immediately apparent.

* If you experience a disappointing letdown: It is important to take some time to grieve the loss of the relationship. Once you have had time to process your emotions, you can move on and find someone who is more compatible with you.


Expectations can be helpful, but they can also lead to disappointment. It's important to remember that no one is ever exactly who we think they are. We should try to accept people for who they are, plutôt than who we expect them to be.

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